IOAPAs session 2003
Deltagere: 45 deltagere fra 24 lande.
Danske deltagere: Mette Lindstrøm, Erling Joensen, Thomas Idskov og Lone Jakobsen.
Danske oplæg: Mette om brugen af fakkelløbet i forbindelse med Sundhedsstyrelsens kampagne, Erling om organisering og afvikling af sessionen på IOA for danske idrætshøjskolelærere, Lone om DOA og IOAPAs rolle i DK.
Dansk deltagelse til volunteer programmet/interview i Athen: Mette og Lone
Ny IOAPA bestyrelse:
President: Laurel Brassey Iversen (Hawaii)
Vice President: Carlo Farrugia (Malta)
Secretary: Jeremy Cross (UK)
Treasurer: Paul Baldachino (Malta)
IOA Liaison: Penelope Ameliou (Greece)
Newsletter Editor: Cesar Torres (Argentina)
Website Co-ordinator: Hector Arguelles (Spain)
Country Co-ordinator/Head Co-ordinator: Lone Jakobsen (Denmark)
Marketing Officer: Igor Lanzoni (Italy)
Nye konkrete tiltag:
For første gang er der blevet lavet en slags handlingsplan for arbejdet I IOAPA, hvilket også var nødvendigt. Ikke mindst de nye IOAPA medlemmer havde stor fortjeneste for vores step forward, bl.a. Mette Lindstrøm.
Vi valgte os ind efter interesseområder og kom med konkrete forslag til det videre forløb den sidste dag. Jeg har valgt at tage nogle af dem med her:
- 2005 session: train and educate IOAPA members (action-oriented and themed Olympic education and training) via lectures, seminars, workshops, presentations.
- Marketing and Public Relation: Be present at all IOA sessions, international consulting resources to improve marketing effectiveness of IOAPA, promote IOAPA sessions in off years, database (prof. Skills). Contacts to national sponsors of NOCs and IOC, contact to Media, contact to EU-Commissions, Contact to Athletes, to Olympic Solidarity etc.
- IOAPA Services: development of IOAPA Consultant Agency, conduct Olympic Research, Youth Camps and Winters Sports YC
- Hans Van Haute Scholarship Fund: raise more money for IOAPA scholarships.
- IOAPA regional and national co-ordinators and a head co-ordinator on the ex.board: coordinate network of IOAPA country representatives/co-ordidators. Ensure that the co-ordinators are fulfilling the tasks specified in the handbook by regular follow up, establishing a report system and a communication system via email group. Lone in charge.
- IOAPA Mentorship program: building the future of Olympic Educators. Identify mentors and areas of expertise, mentors are linked to mentees based on common interest area such as history, philosophy, teaching, marketing, media etc. Session on Mentorship at the 2005 IOAPA session.
Athens 2004 reunion: promote the IOAPA through social gatherings of IOA past participants and IOAPA members, maybe on the 20th of August 2004 in the center of Athens. - 2004 Volunteer Program: Olympic Youth Camp and other jobs. Mette ønsket Youth Camp. Lone har håndbold som 1. prioritet.
Århus, 30.08.2003